Training of Culture Champions

A powerful approach to developing in-house expertise in culture change involves us training UGRs Champions.

Normally undertaken after a UGRs Stock Take, the Champions can be involved in analysis of the Stock Take results.

We equip the Champions with a raft of resources to help them spread the UGRs message across the organisation by providing them with videos, Powerpoint slides, our UGRs Re-energiser series, Facilitator notes and various other resources. Training is normally between two and four days, depending on numbers and context.

These people would represent a 'diagonal slice' from across the organisation - people can volunteer and others can be encouraged to participate, based on their capacity to influence others.

The role of the Culture Champions can be to:

  • Introduce the UGRs concept to the workforce

  • Share the results from the UGRs Stock Take

  • Collect ideas on what can be done to improve any areas of concern, with a particular focus on what each individual can do differently

  • Sustain the focus on a positive, productive culture

The Culture Champions receive both support and challenge from us. In addition to the above they have password protected access to:

  • UGRs In-House Programme Implementation guide

  • Videos of Steve presenting aspects of UGRs content

  • PowerPoint slides

  • Facilitator notes

  • Interviews with leaders in different organisations who have successfully used UGRs to boost culture

As well as the above, leaders and Culture Champions receive the 'UGRs Re-energiser'. Working with organisations globally over the past three decades, we have witnessed first-hand that failed transformation interventions mostly ‘go out of business' because of a lack of sustained momentum. Our UGRs Re-Energiser Video Series solves this problem - because participants receive comprehensive and insightful step-by-step guidance from us every two weeks for a full year.

Delivered by e-mail these three to five minute video tutorials provide different ways to think about UGRs, and actions that individuals can take in the following two weeks. The UGRs Re-Energisers have been created specifically to help keep the fire burning with regard to UGRs and workplace culture transformation.